Thursday, December 1, 2022

Isaiah 2:5

Have you ever tried to do much walking in the dark? You have been on a walk or night hike on a moonlit night. After a while, your eyes adjust, making it a little easier. If we spend too much time trying to walk in the darkness spiritually, we may start to think we see things clearly. However, less, and less becomes visible and soon it may be impossible to find your way. Be careful of walking in the dark, there can be real and painful results. You may try walking barefoot in your home in the dark, but you are also only a painful miscalculation away from stubbing your toe. Still there may be some who wish to walk in the darkness, for cover of their deeds, for fear of the light and not wanting to be found out. There is a better way.

You can come and invite others to walk in the light. You do not have to walk alone. Is there something or someone holding you back from walking in the light? Have your eyes adjusted some to the dark and know there will be pain if someone turns on the light? Did you know if you will close your eyes (think prayer) then turn on the light. After a few seconds open your eyes to embrace the light.

Do not be afraid to walk in the light of the Lord. In the light of the Lord, we can truly see and not just hope our eyes and lives will adjust to the darkness. Many are doing this, and many remain in the darkness. Will you ask someone to walk with you in the light of the Lord? All you need to do is close your eyes in prayer and open them to the light of the Lord.